It's the Latitude Adjustment Manifesto Teaser Intro Episode!

Welcome to Latitude Adjustment and to a journey around the world through conversation!

This will be an interview-format show, but for this initial teaser episode I'll be introducing myself and offering some reflections from my years of solo travel across the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, Europe, and the US-Mexico borderlands. Also, thoughts on why it's our moral and civic duty to be curious, examining some of the formulas that are often used to manipulate populations into allowing and committing acts of violence, why we should give ourselves permission to be ignorant, and an invitation to participate in the conversation after each show. I'm just one guy figuring this out, so thanks for your patience and for tuning in! Join the conversation group on Facebook and swing by iTunes and leave a nice review... it will help the show get noticed. 

Latitude Adjustment is 100% listener supported. If you agree that we need more independent media that prioritizes curiosity and connections over fear and divisions then please support us with a monthly donation through our Patreon page. Thanks!